Developer Guide

EveryVoter is an open source platform released under a MIT license. Pull requests can be made on the Github repository.

EveryVoter is written in python using the Django framework. It’s setup to run using Python 2.7. EveryVoter’s front-end is based on Bootstrap 4, installed via the yarn package manager and compiled using gulp.

Developer Setup

Python Setup

For local development, run pip install -r dev-requirements.txt to pull python requirements.

After installing requirements but before running any migrations, you’ll want to create a .env file. The easiest way to do this is to duplicate and rename the .env-example file to .env and fill in the values with settings that matter.

While setting up EveryVoter you’ll need a free key. Put this API key in your new .env file before you go any further. With the exception of bulk testing user import functionality, during local development, it’s unlikely you’ll exceed’s free service plan.

The next step is to setup the database. Do this by running :code:python migrate

After static assets are compiled EveryVoter can then be run locally by running python runserver


By default, in DEBUG mode, the default organization is what will be served at http://localhost:8000/. If you add additional organizations, adding hostnames to your hosts file (/etc/hosts on Mac) will let you test alternative organizations locally.

Front-End Setup

To pull front-end requirements install yarn then run yarn install

Compilation of front end code is done by running gulp prep. This will compile static assets found in the /assets/ folder, as well as all the modules found in /node_modules/. These compiled assets will then be inserted into a new /dist/ folder that is not tracked in git.


gulp prep will also run a ‘watch’ command, monitoring for changes to static files. In Chrome you can use the LiveReload Plugin to monitor for changes and refresh the page after static files recompile.

Adding Initial Staff

All staff members on EveryVoter are also constituents in their respective organization. While python runserver is active, visit https://localhost:8080/user/create/ and create a new user.

There are 2 management commands needed to upgrade a constituent to a superuser and to set a password. As EveryVoter is organization-based, you’ll want to first promote your new constituent to a superuser by running python promote_superuser 1 then set a password by running python changepassword 1

After this has been done, you’ll be able to access the staff interface by visiting https://localhost:8080/manage/ and Django administrative interface by visiting https://localhost:8080/manage/admin/